Lost & found

Lost something on the aircraft during your flight to Curaçao?

If you lost a personal belonging when on the airplane, please contact your airline directly for support. +5999 839-1971 / 1972 / 1973 / 1974 only during their operating time.

For up-to-date arrival times please click here.

Lost a personal item while at CUR International Airport? 

It could happen; you misplace or forget an item during your visit at our airport. If, or when found, these are taken to our Lost & Found department. 

How It Works:

  1. Fill in the Form: To initiate the search for your lost item, please complete the form below with accurate details. The more information you provide, the better we can assist you in locating your belongings.
  2. Item Identification: Our dedicated team will carefully review your submission and cross-reference it with items that have been found. If we locate a match, we’ll promptly notify you.
  3. Claim Your Item: Once we confirm that we’ve found your item, you can arrange for its safe return. Our team will guide you through the necessary steps to reunite you with your belongings.

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Found someone’s personal item?

If you find someone’s belongings at our premises, kindly hand this to the nearest Terminal Guide at our airport. 

Thank you for contributing to reuniting a rightful owner with his/her property, it is highly appreciated!